In my latest book, I chart how a cadre of backbench Tory MPs, anonymously funded thinktanks and ubiquitous media commentators turned “no-deal Brexit” from an outlandish notion to “nothing to fear”. Maybe we shouldn’t wait for the historians’ verdict before we ask ourselves whether it is a good idea to allow a handful of pundits, thinktanks and backbenchers to exert such a pull on British public life. “I can’t say that what Sweden did is right or wrong, but from a personal perspective I think when you want to send a message, it has to be strong and clear.”. Updates with latest opinion poll in 20th paragraph. Covid-19 Response Fund. It didn’t help that he was spotted among Christmas shoppers in a mall, his finance minister was caught renting skis at a resort and the top official running the corona-virus response team took a Christmas trip to the Canary Islands, all of which went against official guidelines. Sweden’s economy has held up better than most, while deaths now exceed 9,600. While the pandemic law may require additional stimulus measures, “in an international perspective, Sweden will still continue to have very strong central government finances,” Danske Bank said in its Nordic Outlook last week. Top epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, who in June labeled countries that opted for strict lockdowns as “mad,” said the pandemic law shouldn’t be seen as a U-turn, but rather an extension of what’s already been done. Have a confidential tip for our reporters? During the pandemic, the same strategies were employed – often by the same people. Sweden Coronavirus update with statistics and graphs: total and new cases, deaths per day, mortality and recovery rates, current active cases, recoveries, trends and timeline. Even King Carl XVI Gustaf called the nation’s response a failure. The recent response has been “a partial turnaround” that has fallen short of what’s needed, such as mandating face masks and closing more schools, Olsen of Uppsala University said. All of this is very familiar. Lockdown sceptics have had financial support, too: the much-discussed Great Barrington declaration, which advocated herd immunity, was coordinated by a US thinktank that has received funding from the billionaire Koch brothers, who pumped huge sums into the Republican party and its fringes. Global Sweden. Sweden’s response to covid-19 should not be used to argue the case for a population immunity strategy in the UK, the Independent Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Independent SAGE) has argued. And yet, through the late autumn, as the Covid virus was mutating in England, Sweden was still being cited as an example to follow. After so successfully mobilising the European Research Group of Tory MPs to push for a hard Brexit, Steve Baker even started up a tribute act: the Covid Recovery Group, or CRG for short. Sweden has recorded far higher death rates than its Nordic neighbours, while suffering a similar economic hit. Peter Geoghegan is investigations editor of openDemocracy. Track COVID-19 local and global coronavirus cases with active, recoveries and death rate on the map, with daily news and video. Its path to mandatory restrictions has left the Nordic country with more than three times more virus deaths per capita than Denmark, the closest regional peer in terms of fatalities. Data last updated: 2021/1/14, 11:49am CET. Sweden’s top infectious disease expert hasn't budged on the country's no-mask approach to the COVID-19 pandemic despite the number of new infections trending higher. Total and daily confirmed cases and deaths. Sweden passes COVID-19 law for broader shutdown powers Law will enable government to close businesses, shopping malls or public … Norway Warns of Vaccination Risks for Sick Patients Over 80, Inside Cyberpunk 2077's Disastrous Rollout, Apple Plans First iMac Desktop Redesign in Nearly a Decade, Vaccine Pledges Unmet; CDC Sounds Alarm on Variant: Virus Update, Edmond de Rothschild Holding’s Chairman Dies at 57. After taking arguably the world’s softest approach to handling the coronavirus pandemic, Sweden is tightening the screws. Meanwhile, lockdown sceptics are still cherrypicking data to suggest that Covid is overhyped, even as hospital cases surge to new highs. “And we’re mainly working with regulating different kinds of agencies, different kinds of shops were regulations are needed for them to fulfill their obligations.”, One of Tegnell’s main detractors, Professor Bjorn Olsen of Uppsala University, said “reality has caught up with the Public Health Agency.”. With the health-care system under increasing duress and deaths surging, some say it was too little too late. In a briefing paper published on 25 September, Independent SAGE noted that Sweden is often used as an example of a country where a … When the prime minister’s chief scientists were urging greater restrictions in December, the prime minister’s transport secretary Grant Shapps was announcing a £3m scheme to bus people to visit their family at Christmas. Self-styled lockdown sceptics promised – and still promise – that “herd immunity” would save us all, and routinely pointed to Sweden’s adoption of this approach as proof. The ubiquity of contrarian voices on Covid played into Boris Johnson’s well-documented tendency for indecision. As in the rest of the world, the debate in the pandemic era has centered around balancing people’s health against the fallout of shutting down economies. There was ample evidence from the spring, in Sweden and elsewhere, of what could be expected in the autumn and winter if the policy was not changed and these are the consequences.”. “Like many places Sweden has learned about the virus the hard way,” said William Hanage, associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s School of Public Health in Boston, who has followed the country’s strategy closely. Schools remained open through the entire pandemic and there has been no common use of masks … A government-appointed commission recently reached a similar conclusion. That’s below Denmark’s 2% tally, based on the Bloomberg Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker. The virus was confirmed to have reached Sweden on 31 January 2020, when a … “Now we should be very busy vaccinating, but a lot of effort is going into just keeping a lid on transmission so that it doesn’t boil over,” Olsen said. Its path to mandatory restrictions has left the Nordic country with more than three times more virus deaths per capita than Denmark, the closest regional peer in terms of fatalities. Sweden had inoculated at least 80,000 people by Jan. 10, or 0.8% of its population, health authorities said Tuesday. Confidence in the government has dwindled, and been compounded by top officials -- including Lofven himself -- flouting their own rules. Sweden… However, allowing the virus to spread slowly leads to … “Sweden was too slow. According to Yasin, COVID-19 responses in Sweden are different than those in the U.S. and Japan because Sweden has handled the pandemic with a more “hands off approach.” He said unlike most countries, there's never been a lock down in Sweden. 17 Dec, 2020 04:54 PM 4 minutes to read. “It’s constantly half-hearted, limping efforts. Christopher Snowdon of the Institute of Economic Affairs declared that Sweden had demonstrated “a more sensible way to balance risk, liberty and the economy”. A pedestrian wears a protective mask in Sodermalm, Stockholm. Sweden is a high-trust society, where people follow the rules. Overview ; Data Table; Explore. All this talk of Sweden appears to have influenced the decision-making in Downing Street. And the opposition isn’t pulling punches. Sweden recorded its highest death tally in 150 years for the first half of 2020, according to the country's official statistics office. Photographer: Jonathan Nackstarnd/AFP/Getty Images. Support for the Social Democrats fell 2 percentage points to 23%, while Kristersson’s Moderate Party edged ahead with 23.2% voter backing to become Sweden’t biggest party in the latest Aftonbladet/Demoskop poll. According to data compiled by US-based Johns Hopkins University, Australia had recorded 859 COVID-19 deaths (as of September 23), while Sweden had suffered 5,870 deaths. 1:19. Primary schools remain open. Sunak is part of the growing libertarian trend among Conservative MPs, many of whom have been vociferous in their opposition to renewed lockdown measures. People walk on Stranvagen in Stockholm on September 19, 2020. In spring, at a time when countries across Europe were recording alarming surges in daily COVID-19 infections, Sweden had recorded its lowest rate of positive tests since the virus emerged, leading many to question whether the Nordic country's controversial "relaxed" approach to lockdown … Further, a September investigation by Sveriges Radio, Sweden’s national public broadcaster, found that more than 100 people reported to the Swedish Health and Care Inspectorate that their relatives with COVID-19 either did not receive oxygen or nutrient drops or that they were not allowed to come to hospital. “‘My mother, and I think most Swedes, didn’t really take it seriously,” Litzen said. 3 June 2020: Sweden’s chief health official ‘admits to flaws’ in Covid plan; 7. The country of 10.3 million people has been bit hit much harder than its Nordic neighbours and on Thursday reported a total of 489,471 cases of COVID … “We’re still mainly working with voluntary measures for individuals,” he said in an interview. But that didn’t stop pundits and thinktanks from advocating it for the UK, Last modified on Mon 4 Jan 2021 08.19 GMT. What many other countries would have done in this situation would be to close down entirely.”. “It’s an example of how difficult it is to sustain public health and social measures that are purely determined by the individual’s willingness or determination to carry out those measures,” Ryan said. Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the top 20 economic powers worldwide as of Dec. 8, 2020 COVID-19 cases and deaths among hardest hit countries worldwide … CNN's Max Foster looks at the country's response to the coronavirus pandemic. His book, Democracy for Sale, is published in an updated paperback on 7 January, ‘The image of a maskless Rishi Sunak serving meals in a London Wagamama to launch August’s ‘eat out to help out’ initiative has not aged well.’, hen future historians come to write the story of Britain’s chaotic pandemic response, one question in particular will surely puzzle them: why, as the UK experienced one of the world’s worst Covid outbreaks, did so many prominent public figures spend so much of 2020 talking about, a meeting with chancellor Rishi Sunak and three proponents of a herd immunity strategy. Note that case fatality … Does Sweden's COVID-19 experience support the herd immunity theory? (Research suggests that the scheme directly contributed to a rise in infections.). There’s no imminent threat to Lofven’s job given the political system. Sweden May Tighten Covid Policy to Target Local Outbreaks. Sweden had inoculated at least 80,000 people by Jan. 10, or 0.8% of its population, health authorities said Tuesday. After an initial surge, Sweden now has one of the lowest coronavirus death rates in Europe. It’s a departure from relying mainly on recommendations and trusting people to follow them. In mid-October, the Tory MP Christopher Chope was in parliament extolling the virtues of what he previously called Sweden’s “clear and simple” approach. "No it's never been a part of the strategy," state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell told AFP in September. “Infection transmission won’t be stopped by a serious tone at a press conference,” main opposition leader Ulf Kristersson told a national security conference on Monday, lambasting the government for “a lack of leadership, bad preparations and unclear division of responsibilities.”. Other. “At this stage of the crisis, I think it will be less about lockdown strategy and more a matter of vaccine strategy,” SEB’s Bergqvist said. The British government is now facing 2021 with a Covid infection rate that the health secretary admits is out of control, but with many of its own MPs firmly opposed to further restrictions. Sweden's Covid-19 death toll is the highest in the Nordics. 1 September 2020: copy Sweden’s Covid response, says WHO special envoy ; 6. How comeback kid Sweden got the last laugh on coronavirus: Infections and deaths fall to record lows and economy improves as Britain removes the country that shunned lock-down from the quarantine list A recent report in the Sunday Times suggested Johnson chose not to impose a circuit-breaker lockdown in September after a meeting with chancellor Rishi Sunak and three proponents of a herd immunity strategy: Sunetra Gupta and Carl Heneghan of the University of Oxford and Anders Tegnell, the epidemiologist behind Sweden’s laissez-faire approach to the pandemic. A light-touch approach to Covid-19 doesn’t work. Almost as soon as Boris Johnson announced a national lockdown in late March, British newspaper columnists and professional contrarians demanded that the prime minister adopt “the Swedish model” – and they were still urging the same in September. Sweden Coronavirus(COVID-19) statistics. The delay in imposing restrictions in England after September’s meeting with Tegnell and co led to an estimated 1.3m extra Covid infections. Donate. The Nordic region’s largest economy has weathered the crisis better than most Western nations, with its factories less affected by supply disruptions in the latter part of 2020. This page contains the case fatality rate, as well as death rates per 100,000 population by country from the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as reported by Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.. As of 30 November 2020, Yemen has the highest case fatality rate at 28.3%, while Singapore has the lowest at 0.05%. All of this has shaped Britain’s haphazard pandemic response. Sweden is claiming a major victory in the battle against Covid-19 after recording its lowest rate of positive coronavirus tests yet despite ramping up the country’s testing regime to record levels. 21 May 2020: has Sweden… The law is scheduled to be in force from Jan. 10 till the end of September. Before it's here, it's on the Bloomberg Terminal. Having held up Norway as a model during the Brexit referendum, Daniel (soon to be lord) Hannan said we could all be like Sweden. Anders Litzen lost his 71-year-old mother Agnetha in the spring, sitting by her side for her last 16 hours in full protective gear. Deaths at home or in institutions can be qualified in various ways. Faced with pressure from lockdown sceptics in the media and inside his own party, Johnson dithered, time and again. Sweden’s approach was predicated on trying to keep its healthcare system working but also looking at public health in the broadest sense, rather than narrowly trying to minimise Covid … Sweden is reportedly considering a shift in its famously lax COVID-19 containment strategy, which may new local recommendations. “When we summarize 2020, the industry has helped us to withstand some of the downturns seen in many other countries.”, Economic activity partly recovered at the start of January, Source: Bloomberg Economics, Google,, German Statistical Office, BloombergNEF,,, Opportunity Insights. And yet, through the late autumn, as the Covid virus was mutating in England, Sweden was still being cited as an example to follow. Sweden’s response to COVID-19. Sweden made “good decisions” in moving toward stricter measures, Mike Ryan, head of the World Health Organization’s emergencies program, told reporters on Monday. And yet its approach is based on the idea that, as covid-19 is here for a long time, asking too … That’s below Denmark’s 2% tally, based on the Bloomberg Covid … , September 1, 2020, 4:30 AM PDT. Just last month, the Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson tweeted that she “admired Sweden’s handling of the pandemic”. Sweden Coronavirus(COVID-19) statistics. While pursuing its unusual strategy, Sweden questioned other nations’ decisions to lock down. Identification of deaths by COVID-19: the cause of death by COVID-19 can be certified by different biological tests, by clinical diagnosis, by mentioning the infection on the death certificate, etc. Differences in lockdown strategies between the Nordic and Baltic countries were offset by their common dependence on manufacturing, so they’ve benefited from a recovery of global trade, according to SEB AB Chief Economist Robert Bergqvist. Lofven and health officials, facing early criticism including from President Donald Trump, acknowledged in April that the country hadn’t succeeded in protecting its elderly in nursing homes. Even the country’s king thinks it has “failed”. According to statistics from the Public Health Agency on Friday, 7,187 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 had been reported in Sweden in the last 24 hours, bring the tally to 489,471. “It somehow tells us that at the beginning of 2021 how difficult, how challenging that environment is.”. Less than a week later, most of England went into tier 4. We were even offered a financial incentive to do the one thing we have always known spreads the virus: mix indoors. (When openDemocracy asked for details of Tegnell’s correspondence with the prime minister’s office, it was told that any release could compromise the formulation of government policy.). After an initial surge, Sweden now has one of the lowest coronavirus death rates in Europe. Patients who died in hospital were generally tested beforehand on admission. Of course, the full-throated cries of “Sweden” from sections of the conservative press were less about the birthplace of Abba, and more about fostering the idea that Britain could just “open up”, if only politicians were brave enough to do so. Rohan Smith … By September 2020, only one in three citizens thought the government was doing a good job handling the pandemic and in November a poll showed 82 percent of Swedes were worried their healthcare system could not cope with the COVID-19 crisis. As anyone looking to influence the prime minister knows, when faced with an array of choices, he will often do nothing. By. “When it comes to recommended regulations, it’s very naive to think that a whole country can follow through unless you make it some sort of law.”, — With assistance by Corinne Gretler, and Nick Rigillo, New law allows authorities to enforce social distancing, Rules take place of voluntary recommendations as deaths surge. Our future historians will doubtless wonder, too, just how, in the imagination of many on the British right, Sweden went from gang violence-riddled dystopia to exemplar in a few months. “They have been extremely stubborn in holding on to the strategy without listening or doing any external analysis,” he said. By: Jan Molsen of AP. Coronavirus cases have doubled in Sweden in just three weeks as the wheels fall off the country’s vaunted approach to tackling COVID-19. Total and daily confirmed cases and deaths. Search by Country, Territory, or Area. Meanwhile, 171 new deaths were registered, taking the toll to 9,433. Sweden has a high COVID-19 death toll because fewer people were killed off by the flu this year, according to its top infectious disease expert.. Anders Tegnell, chief epidemiologist at Sweden… The rhetoric around the Swedish model – and herd immunity – set the stage for Britain to loosen restrictions faster than scientists, or even the public, wanted. Prime Minister Lofven has seen voter confidence erode as criticism of the government’s response mounted. As the world is struggling to contain … Explore the Data EIOS News … As of Sunday, the government of Premier Stefan Lofven can fine and shutter businesses that fail to follow restrictions such as caps on visitors, as well as restrict private gatherings, under a new law that runs through September. We now know with certainty what public health experts have long predicted: a light-touch coronavirus approach does not work. The 42-year-old, who lost his job because of the pandemic and started working as a runner at a hospital, said the government’s communication has been too vague. Low debt levels also allowed Sweden to unleash fiscal stimulus, supported by the Riksbank’s asset purchase program. London (CNN)An expert on the spread of Covid-19 proclaimed last week that the pandemic in Sweden was essentially over — the virus there was "running out … U.S. Cases Slow as Global Deaths Pass 2 Million: Virus Update, Nigerian Government Has Not Yet Bought Coronavirus Vaccines, Norway Raises Concern Over Vaccine Jabs for the Elderly, Massive Inoculation Drive Starts in India Despite Vaccine Doubts. Covid 19 coronavirus: Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf says his country has failed the elderly. The image of a maskless Rishi Sunak serving meals in a London Wagamama to launch August’s “eat out to help out” initiative has not aged well. Niclas Rolander. When future historians come to write the story of Britain’s chaotic pandemic response, one question in particular will surely puzzle them: why, as the UK experienced one of the world’s worst Covid outbreaks, did so many prominent public figures spend so much of 2020 talking about Sweden? Litzen, who decided to help in the pandemic fight after losing his mother, says tougher restrictions should have taken the place of voluntary recommendations earlier. The answer is quite simple: the same small group of people who talked so fervently about Sweden’s libertarian refusal to lock down – newspaper columnists, backbench MPs, anonymously funded thinktanks – have massively outsized access to British public debate. The COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden is part of the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). People walk on Stranvagen in Stockholm on September 19, 2020, 4:30 AM PDT failed.! 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