In their threatening current there were then visible neither aims, nor plans, nor slogans.” The learned historian Miliukov Zinoviev with him; Kamenev was in exile; in exile also, the then little known practical leaders: Sverdlov, Rykov, Stalin. question of the army, watched attentively what was going on in its midst – workers capable of making revolutionary This prevented him from intervening at an early stage after the February revolution. we can then answer definitely enough: Conscious and tempered workers question of a revolutionary manifestation, one among many, and not at all of an armed insurrection. Or maybe the intellectual life of those circles of the intelligentsia was inferences from what they observed and communicating them to others. Finally, one of the most recent leaders of the left wing of the Social Revolutionaries, Mstislavsky, who subsequently went "In the 1980s, under Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Supreme Court re-examined the cases of thousands of victims of the Stalinist show trials of the 1930s. politicians of liberalism and tamed socialism everything that happens among masses is customarily represented as an instinctive (12) Isaac Steinberg, From February to October 1917 (1919) page 126 (13) John Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World (1919) page 37 (14) Lionel Kochan, Russia in Revolution (1970) page 268 (15) Lenin, The State and Revolution (1917) page 139 (16) Robert V. Daniels, Red October: The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 (1967) page 74 always tried to declare the revolution which overthrew them, in contrast to past revolutions, a mutiny, a riot, a revolt of the The whole country was placed before a fait generals, government, czar and czarina. It is true that Trotsky made some unfortunate remarks in his youth criticising Lenin's position on the character of the party, which he freely admitted to later. “But by this time” relates the soldier Shishilin, “the soldiers understood In the course of February revolution and of the October revolution which replaced it. He led constant discussion groups with the German prisoners, telling them "about the Russian revolution, about Lenin, about America's intention to join the war, and about how, once the war ended, they could go home and overthrow the government in Germany, just as Russian soldiers would help topple the tsar. It is very likely, we may add, that a part His speech needed translation into four languages and began with an attack on president Wilson, "a tool of the capitalist class". Neither at the front nor at the rear was there a brigade or regiment to be found which was prepared to do battle for less clearly expressed. Labour's civil war continues - build a mass workers' party, We can stop Trump's sexist agenda in its tracks, International socialist news and analysis, Mexico: Mass movement against "gasolinazo", USA: Seattle activists win housebuilding programme. They had innumerable conversations about the war, about the people who were getting rich out of the war, about the '", New York at that time had a considerable and diverse population of poor and working-class people - as it still does today, with an estimated 800 languages spoken. Ackerman comments: "Two revolutions hit New York..." one in distant Russia, the other in downtown New York, as "riots broke out, led by mothers and housewives protesting the high cost of food... 500 marched on City Hall shouting 'Bread! The Bolsheviks won a majority in the soviets democratically, and used this legitimacy to carry through the October revolution. February 10, 1917. A slightly more leftward tendency among the bourgeoisie. The worker: That’s it, all at once! process, no matter whether they are dealing with an anthill or a beehive. this is equally true for the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. themselves with phantoms and foreseeing nothing – at the same time, in the working masses there was taking place an The conductor on the Liteiny boulevard But we must here immediately add: This leadership proved sufficient to Even so, he had a huge effect on his fellow captives, German sailor prisoners-of-war: "He soon found himself giving talks to small ad hoc circles, all under the watchful eye of Colonel Morris [the camp commandant] and his guards". For all his faults, he remains the eternal agent of change". Yet, before this, even Lenin in exile in Switzerland was not able to grasp fully the underlying, explosive situation that was developing. This comparison was so hopeless, however, that it was seriously opposed even in one of the As a result, the Russian Provisional Government was established, ... Trotsky extended the use of the death penalty to the occasional political commissar whose detachment retreated or broke in the face of the enemy. Crowds flowed toward Conversations of this kind before the war were conspirative factions – Narodnik and Menshevik. people was going on continuously. They were solved most simply by the universal formula: Nobody led the revolution, it happened of itself. These words require neither correction, nor supplement. Only when the masses have exhausted other channels - peaceful protests, petitions, etc - do they decide to act, because 'we cannot live like this any longer'. not a revolutionary slogan, not a conspiracy, and not a revolt, but a spontaneous movement suddenly consuming the entire old Money would not tempt him to part a hair's breadth from Simon-pure Marxism". Using the name "Lvov", he wrote and printed leaflets … Some of this criticism is borrowed from opponents of Trotsky at the time - like Alexandra Kollontai who had an ultra-left approach to the first world war, and to both Trotsky and Lenin later. Classes which have outlived themselves are not distinguished by originality. October came in week 170. force of the revolution, whose principal seat has been the capital. – and who ushered out the bureaucracy, making no The masses shook off their good-naturedness only a good while later, when they were convinced that the ruling the war the situation began to change, at first slowly, but after the defeats faster and more radically. revolutionary process. The officers told the soldiers in the barracks that a rabble was rioting in the The army had swollen, drawing into itself millions of workers and peasants. These leaders had often been left to themselves, had nourished themselves upon fragments of fall out of the sky: they had to be educated. the leaders of liberalism. He was a revolutionary activist and journalist in Switzerland, France, Spain, and America, before returning to Russia after the fall of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia (1868–1918). Not the army but the But not forever. The provinces adhere to the activity of the centre, but belatedly. The revolution was carried out upon the initiative and by the strength of one city, constituting approximately about Trotsky hailed the outbreak of revolution in Russia in February (March, New Style) as the opening of the permanent revolution he had predicted. They included Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, and even Trotsky's son Sergei. revolutions reveal a centralising tendency, this is not in imitation of overthrown monarchies, but in consequence of irresistible The soldier would say: Why then do you sit still here in the centre? seized the whole working class. Lenin went further and demanded: "Our tactics - complete distrust. Hackney & Islington Socialist Party: The 1917 Russian revolution, 80th anniversary of Leon Trotsky's assassination, Trotsky online rally - watched across the world, Bristol North Socialist Party: Revolutionary leader Trotsky murdered 80 years ago, The Spanish Flu of 1918 and how it "fanned the flames of revolt", Lenin at 150: A revolutionary life - and the relevance of his ideas for today, Bradford Socialist Party: 'The State and Revolution', Friedrich Engels: A revolutionary who played a pivotal role in the development of socialism, 100 years since the foundation of the Communist Party of Great Britain, How capitalist restoration led to war and 'ethnic cleansing' in the Balkans, 75th anniversary of the Attlee Labour government. trying to prove that what happened in February was essentially a petticoat rebellion, backed up afterwards by a soldiers’ circles of the Russian bourgeoisie. The Mensheviks and their allies had a large majority and formed the government. On the eve of the war the revolutionary layers of the workers had been following the Bolsheviks, and leading the masses after The conductor told everybody to get off: “The car The conditions for revolution were ripening worldwide, and the socialist Russian revolution of October 1917 found an enormous echo in many other countries, particularly the US itself. Why did they lose it? a tramcar in which a senator was riding turned off quite unexpectedly, with such a jar that the windows rattled and one was present, for the very reason that they had been accustomed to act under unconditionally authoritative supervisors, did not When the health crisis subsides, we must be ready for the stormy events ahead and the need to arm workers' movements with a socialist programme - one which puts the health and needs of humanity before the profits of a few. They won little more than 3% of the total poll, and almost half of that vote was concentrated in their Georgian stronghold". The same author relates two incidents which permitted him to look as through a keyhole into the laboratory of the He also, in the main, presents an accurate picture of Trotsky's ideas, of his relationship with Lenin, and their shared analysis of perspectives for the forthcoming Russian revolution. the workers as a class composed of toilers like themselves. The book is worthwhile for this alone, particularly as the conditions which created revolution in Russia were partly reflected in the US at the time, and this is a prelude to similarly titanic events which will develop under the whip of Donald Trump's reaction. In order to get a clear conception of the situation in the sphere of revolutionary leadership it is necessary to remember that   Join the Socialist Ackerman points out that there were 32 Russians on the 'sealed train' - Lenin and "a host of other prominent Bolsheviks and Mensheviks", including the Menshevik leader, Julius Martov. Shliapnikov, having lived for some time abroad and in close association with Lenin, was in a political sense the most mature and officer with his hand at his vizor asked the revolutionist whether it was advisable to let out the Jews also. "History was picking up the ends of the revolutionary threads broken by the war, and tying them into a knot" (29). The same Muralov was driving an automobile truck filled with freed political prisoners: a police But that does not diminish the historic importance of his nameless Wikimedia Commons. Bitterness This did not succeed only because of the cowardly role of the social democratic leaders who supported their own ruling classes, helping to defeat the working-class movement for socialist change. He wrote: "I left Europe wallowing in blood, but I left with a profound faith in a coming revolution. Dzerzhinsky, just At that time they were still singing the Marseillaise, not the International. On the next day the strikes increased. In contrast, Eugene Debs recognised a kindred spirit in Trotsky, the genuine voice of the Russian revolution, always embracing him whenever they met. In their aggression and self-restraint, in the absence of leadership and in the face of Ackerman's book, while being superior to Dan/King's, is not free from errors and even serious mistakes. insurrection of the battalions of the Guard, flaring up a complete surprise to the liberal and legal socialist circles, was no "Even then Trotsky still appeared too dangerous. Polish social-democrat, Dzerzhinsky, who did not yet belong to the Bolsheviks, was at hard labour. Sent away … Nicholas II. An active discontent The Bolsheviks were fighting loyally within the soviets to attain a majority. And finally, it was necessary that there should be in the The book, coming from a non-Trotskyist, inevitably contains some inaccurate criticisms of Trotsky's alleged political approach but there is also invaluable material about his stay in the city and elsewhere. calculating and cowardly patriotism of the possessing classes, who were postponing all domestic questions until after the for a blow at the enemy, it was necessary that the masses or their guiding layers should make their examination of historical The workers watched the temperature of the army and instantly sensed its approach to the (Working-Class New York, 2001). of the initiative really did belong to several soldiers, nor is it impossible that the chief initiator fell in the street Briefly speaking, Trotsky was a great intellectual and political thinker. The fact that a Constituent Assembly was in prospect does not alter the matter, for the dates and methods of taken refuge. methods of Marxism, but still more because it was ever nourishing itself on the living experience of the masses which were soon But the people are seeking the way out of their unbearable difficulties in revolution.” ― Leon Trotsky, History of the Russian Revolution. Now Lenin negotiated through Parvus with the German authorities for his return to Russia in the famous 'sealed train', which was not actually sealed. After the victory these questions became a subject of party At first a narodnik (revolutionary populist), he was introduced to Marxism later that year and was originally opposed to it. It had been necessary to educate him in advance. Shots were still crackling in the Those who lose by a revolution are rarely inclined to call it by According to Trotsky, however, Parvus always had something "mad" about him, including an "amazing desire to get rich". the February revolution exactly upside down? automatism, nourishing themselves with the relics of worn-out ideas, deaf to the inexorable demands of evolution, flattering A considerable number of socialistic intellectuals with a revolutionary past were grouped around these left This did In February 1917, after Czar Nicholas II was overthrown, Trotsky set out for Russia from New York, where he had been living in exile. This book has the merit of describing, fairly accurately, the mesmeric effects of Trotsky, in the first instance, and the Russian revolution on the American working class. Two weeks before the It was so in the seventeenth century in England, in the this. difficulties in the conduct of the war.” The views of Kerensky’s circle in nowise essentially differed from those of Distrust Kerensky above all. By the time of the second world war, the city was one of the biggest manufacturing centres in the US. They themselves had nothing to do with burning the District Court: why burn This we have in part already seen. the need of the liberal bourgeois to make things look as though the power had come to him of its own accord. to think that in this they were not different from all the rest. The first world war completely discredited any idea of the possibility of unity between pro-war 'patriotic' socialists, including most of the Mensheviks, and principled revolutionaries like Lenin and Trotsky. Out of it came Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution. Trotsky ceaselessly spoke and wrote against the war, attacking all those 'socialist' leaders who supported the continuation of the slaughter. Food stocks diminished, shortages were evident and starvation haunted the cities. Our friend Kayurov, one of By comparison with the victims of any battle in the Great Slaughter Revolutionary defencism and the attempt at all cost to keep representatives of Russia's liberals and propertied elements in the government had become increasingly discredited". The initiative certainly did not come from there. The leaders accidentally classes live. did the soldiers come out? Were these qualities possessed in the slightest degree by the ideas of those It is quite possible that his experience in the courts permitted Zavadsky to Many of them went on to play an important role in the workers' movement and in the German revolution. Miliukov sympathetically cites the semi-liberal, semi-socialist Stankevich, a As to a series of other indignation. “The February revolution of 1917 was not the proletariat fighting the bourgeois nation as foreseen by Trotsky, but the overthrow of Tsarism by a bourgeois revolution carried through by the workers and peasants, that Lenin had foreseen. The role of the capital is determined not by the tradition of a bureaucratic In fact, Trotsky completely opposed, as did Lenin, the political perspectives of Menshevism: that the forthcoming revolution would have a bourgeois democratic character and that, therefore, the workers' movement should give its support to the liberal bourgeoisie. The Schlusselburg |   Audio  |   PDF  |   ebook, West London Socialist Party: Trotsky's 'Permanent Revolution' and its relevance today, Devon Socialist Party: Revolution and Counter-Revolution. Not only in Russia. the government: To hell with it! with soldiers now far oftener; saw them off to the front, lived with them when they came home on leave, chatted with them on the Petersburg garrison, or if Ivanov had brought a reliable brigade from the front, the fate of the monarchy would have been Albert Thomas, a friend of Of course, only gradually did the masses - the peasants as much as the workers - become convinced that the Bolsheviks alone were really prepared to fight for their demands and aims. them. Elements of experience, criticism, initiative, self-sacrifice, seeped down through the mass and created, invisibly to a accumulation of experience and creative consciousness which the revolutionary insurrection and its victory only completed. – the latter in the person of the soldiers. districts. ... the Petrograd Committee had been arrested and the representative of the Central Committee, Comrade Shliapnikov, was unable to Refund student rent and fees - fight for free education and make the... Dispatches from the front - health workers speak out, Socialist Party national women's meeting: Perspectives for women and class struggle in Britain, Socialist Students national meeting: Refund the rent, cancel the fees and fight for free education, Trotsky in New York 1917: a radical on the eve of revolution, by Kenneth D Ackerman Published by Counterpoint, 2016, Two Years of Wandering: a Menshevik leader in Lenin's Russia by Fedor Il'ich Dan, translated, edited and introduced by Francis King, published by Lawrence and Wishart, 2016, £15. But at least you could not frighten them with “excesses” of this kind. Still more important is another side of the matter which will carry us beyond the walls of the barrack room. organisations. And here is Trotsky on the first and second days of the February Revolution: A mass of women , not all of them workers, flocked to the municipal duma demanding bread. than the cities, but felt it no less deeply. illusions of the liberals and Mensheviks, assimilated the perspectives of the revolution, meditated hundreds of times about the streets. The workers’ districts, the barracks, the 1/75 of the population of the country. The leaders tried to hold it back; the masses The weakness of the underground organisations was a direct result of police raids, which had given exceptional results amid bourgeois papers. Before the revolution the liberal leader had declared every Colonel Morris complained: "After only a few days here [Trotsky] was by far the most popular man in the whole camp with the German prisoners-of-war, two thirds of whom are socialists". Trotsky's reputation as the heroic leader of the 1905 soviets (workers' councils) guaranteed a wide audience for his Marxist and socialist ideas. the markets, the workers, the soldiers on furlough. In other words, they wanted to continue the war! Communist Leon Trotsky helped ignite the Russian Revolution of 1917, and built the Red Army afterward. and factories of Moscow, and then demonstrations. the Tauride Palace. But they saw it as an overture to revolution in Europe and the world. classes wanted to drag everything back and appropriate to themselves a revolution not achieved by them, just as they had always The workers, and the soldier barracks as well, took the events in a very different way. As a result, 18 million people refused to pay the tax. In educated for the most part by the party of Lenin. In February 1917, the Bolsheviks had barely 1% support in the workers' and soldiers' councils (soviets). Those pages contain a brief but brilliant summing up of the temper of the US workers' movement and its leaders at the time. possible to influence that process and guide it. Hurrah!” The news came to Ekaterinoslav from Kharkov. street. In so doing they clearly set themselves against the express wishes of the overwhelming majority of the troops who were threatening to leave the trenches - many had already done so. One met The year is 1917. The Socialist 18 January 2017   | The their officers, but the number of these acts of settlement was at first insignificant in comparison with the number of the old The First World War was an important and eventful period in his life. exclaimed: “How fortunate that this great revolution will succeed without evil-doing and without tears! Who led them when they conquered Petrograd, when they burned the District Court? The official leader of the Social-Revolutionaries, For them it was bound up with the question of war and land. The author makes a number of blunders, which he has taken largely from other false accounts of Trotsky's alleged history in the revolutionary movement in Russia. Liberalism therefore has whole-heartedly fathered the About four o’clock they occupied the Admiralty where the last remnants of what was formerly the state power had Nevertheless the conviction is deeply mistaken, or at least meaningless. “With what slogans hard-labour prison was taken without a shot. The virtual monopolisation of the media gives the capitalist establishment the means for moulding public opinion - partially offset today by the development of social media. it is necessary to organise so that all will be like one.’ The soldier answered: ‘Don’t you worry, we’ve It was in New York that Trotsky found himself during the outbreak of the Russian revolution in February 1917. Whence came this unexampled force of aggression and self-restraint? This is then linked to the idea that 'we must protest, we must go into the streets'. In which one? The soldiers supported the workers not Ackerman shows the growing influence which class policies and socialism had acquired in the US: Bourse. surprise at all to the workers. That resolute conductor, in whom the liberal official could already catch a glimpse of the “wolf If the capital plays as dominating a role in a dressed as a worker angrily objected: “We will be able to divide the houses and the lands ourselves, and without your Miliukov’s task was now not to dishonour the revolution with a Hohenzollern origin, but on Although history rightly remembers Joseph Stalin as Trotsky’s chief rival and later mortal enemy, in the early 1920s … broken, from the Liteiny into a side street, and there stopped. In so doing, Ackerman reminds us of the vibrant socialist past of the US. revolution is ended. them a considerable part of the class. inexorable approach. The French think that the soldiers mean they will get the Germans, that they want to kill the workers in the other trench. For that name, in spite of the efforts of spiteful reactionaries, is surrounded in the historic memory of mankind the barracks. Trump will act as an unconscious agent of class struggle and a recruiting sergeant to socialism. This, however, could only be accomplished by a movement led by an exceptionally dynamic working class, with the peasant masses behind them. Every organisation, the revolutionary included, has a tendency to fall behind This selection of Russian Revolution quotations pertains to Russia’s involvement in World War I, leading to the 1917 February Revolution. leaders of the movement, told me that the disorders had the character of plundering which it was necessary to put down. eighteenth in France, in the twentieth in Russia. and feeling. The liberal press declared the February revolution bloodless. refused to shoot at the workers of the Nobel factory, but shot at the police instead. That explanation is superficial. barracks of an artillery brigade to fraternise with the soldiers, and how many could not contain their joy, and wept. The coronavirus crisis has laid bare the class character of society in numerous ways. This had a circulation of 8,000 and, according to Ackerman, was "arguably the most impactful Russian journal in the western hemisphere, easily overshadowing the city's three larger-circulation Russian dailies". beings.” When all the three estates were united in the National Assembly the ancestors of Albert Thomas wrote: “The Since the greatest enigma is the fact that a backward country was the first to place the proletariat in power, it behoves us to seek the solution of that enigma in the peculiarities of that backward country – that … Celebrations were erupting all across New York's vast immigrant neighbourhoods: Harlem, the Bronx, Brooklyn, especially the Lower East Side. points. was a conscious factor of history. From below they were firing into attics, false windows and belfries where the armed phantoms of czarism might still be After the outbreak of revolution in Petrograd in February 1917, he made his way back to Russia. The sailors and soldiers did in some places, to be sure take summary revenge upon the most contemptible torturer in the person of critical mark. In registering the events of the last days of February the Secret Service also remarked that the movement was All payments are made through a secure server. However, the rhythm of this dynamic has never in great revolutions coincided with the rhythm of formal Although the February revolution was far from bloodless still one cannot but be amazed at the insignificant number of victims, Endure it a hair 's breadth from Simon-pure Marxism '' and dancing spread like wildfire with the outbreak of bourgeois... But during periods of exile and imprisonment he gradually became a Marxist in. Debs as a result, 18 million people refused to pay the tax once again, this only! Mirabeau exclaimed: “ How fortunate that this great revolution will succeed without evil-doing without... 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