Bicycle Return: Renter agrees to return the Bicycle to ROLL in the same condition as received, except for ordinary wear and tear (which does not include flat tires), on the due date and time and at the location specified by ROLL. You accept complete responsibility during the period of hire for the safe custody of the equipment and for any loss, theft or damage (howsoever caused). Damage to Bicycle: Renter shall pay ROLL for all losses and/or damage to the Bicycle, including theft or vandalism, regardless of fault. bicycleduring the rental term. I,​​ the ​​below-named person,​​ being ​​above ​​age​​ eighteen, ​​or​​ the​​ parent​​ or ​​legal​​ guardian ​​of​​ the ​​below-named​​ person​​ who​​ is​​ under​​ age ​​eighteen, in ​​consideration ​​of​​ the ​​services ​​of​​ Ebikescapes ​​LLC.,​​the​​ rate​​ charged​​ for​​ those ​​services,​​ or ​​the​​ worth ​​of​​ them as ​​freely ​​given,​​ and​​ the​​ right​​ to​​ engage​​ in ​​the ​​Activities ​​as​​ a ​​participant,​ ​hereby​​ acknowledge,​ ​agree,​​ promise​​ and ​​covenant​​ with​​ Ebikescapes LLC.​​ and​​ all​​ persons,​​ entities,​​employees​​ and​​ agents, ​​on​​ behalf​​ of ​​myself, ​​heirs, ​​assigns,​ ​personal ​​representative​​ and​​ next​​ of ​​kin: 1.​​​ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ​​OF ​​RISK:​​ ​​I​ ​acknowledge, ​​agree ​​and​​ represent​​ that​​ the ​​lesson ​​and/or​​ tour​​ and​​ related​​ activities​​ (“Activities”) ​​I​​ am about​​ to​​ engage ​​in​​ voluntarily, ​​bear​​ certain ​​known​​ risks​​ and​​ unanticipated ​​risks​​ which​​ could ​​result​​ in ​​injury,​​ death,​​ illness ​​or ​​disease, physical or​​ mental​​ damage​​ to​​ myself,​​ my​​ property, ​​or​​ other​​ third​​ parties ​​or ​​their​​ property,​​ or​​ the ​​property​​ of​​ Ebikescapes ​​LLC.​​ I​​ further acknowledge​​ that​​ I ​​understand ​​the ​​nature ​​of​​ cycling ​​and ​​related​​ Activities ​​and​​ that​​ I ​​am ​​qualified, ​​in​​ good​​ health, ​​and ​​proper​​ physical​​ condition to ​​participate ​​in ​​such ​​Activities​​ and ​​willingly​​ agree ​​to​​ comply ​​with ​​the​​ stated​​ customary ​​terms ​​and ​​conditions​​ of ​​participation. Security Deposit. In the event ROLL obtains a recovery from a third party after Renter has paid ROLL for all or part of any loss, ROLL will refund to Renter any excess above the amount of the loss plus administrative fees and other incurred collection and costs and attorney’s’ fees. Please note that all cancellations must be received via email or phone and confirmed by ROLL via email. ACCORDINGLY, SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO CERTAIN PARTICIPANTS. I agree to use the bicycle lock provided and will replace a stolen bicycle if I fail to use the lock. CAPE ANN ELECTRIC BIKES Rental Agreement and Waiver (docx) Download. You may not commence against ROLL or its affiliates any class action, class arbitration, or other representative action or proceeding. I am familiar with the proper use of the Bicycle. Rent electric bikes and scooters from BoltAbout to make the most of your vacation. Charges for loss and/or damage to the Bicycle. Rental Fees: From the time identified on this Agreement until the Bicycle is returned Renter agrees to pay the hourly, daily or multi-day rates as agreed upon reservation. There fore the user renting the e-bike (pedal assisted bicycle) declares to have adequate capacity and appropriate competence, without placing any … Bike rental: Upon confirmation, a deposit of €50 per bike is requested to secure your reservation. Therefore, in consideration for the opportunity to rent a Bicycle from ROLL, to the fullest extent permitted by law, I assume all risks of injury, death, loss, or damage in any way resulting from my involvement with ROLL. Bike Works 520 Kelly Ave. Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 (650) 726-6708 Directions & Hours Dispute Resolution, Arbitration And Governing Law: Except where prohibited, any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted to mediation. This assumption of risk includes any injury, death, loss, damage, or expense resulting from the negligence of ROLL or its officers, employees and agents. Our guide on starting a bike rental business covers all the essential information to help you decide if this business is a good match for you. Renter understands that there may be rate or special charges if Renter returns the Bicycle at a different time, date, or location than indicated in this Agreement. Make a Reservation. Pay later with Klarna Renter is also responsible for any loss if Renter: (1) abuses the Bicycle or violates any prohibited use or operation as specified in this Agreement; (2) rides recklessly; (3) rides while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance; (4) fails to promptly report an accident to the police and ROLL; (5) fails to complete an accident report; (6) obtains the Bicycle through fraud or misrepresentation; or (7) uses the Bicycle for an illegal purpose. I also attest that I will With their popularity on the rise, many people want to know how to start an eBike rental business. I also agree to wear a bicycle helmet at all times when riding a bicycle during the rental term and agree to have adequate medical insurance coverage for the duration of the rental term. Price by the minute Annual Members pay an extra $0.10/minute, capped at $2 for rides 45 minutes or less starting or ending outside Manhattan. This Vehicle Rental Agreement (“Agreement”) is made between [INSERT COMPANY NAME], a [INSERT TYPE OF COMPANY I.E. FAQ. I can make informed, objective decisions. As one of the leading providers of commercial-grade electric bikes online, we wanted to create a complete guide that will get help you started with this fun - and potentially lucrative - business model. ASSUMPTION OF RISKS, RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT Renters must be at least 18 years old with a valid ID and read and accept the rental agreement prior to riding. Home Rentals About Us. If this arbitration agreement is for any reason held to be unenforceable, any litigation against ROLL may be commenced only in the federal or state courts located in Durango, Colorado. Renter agrees to return the Bicycle sooner if so demanded by ROLL. If the Bicycle is damaged beyond reasonable repair (as determined by ROLL), renter shall be responsible for the retail fair market value less any salvage value, if applicable. Reloadable prepaid cards cannot be accepted. Non-Members pay $0.15/minute.Reduced Fare Bike Share Members pay $0.05/minute, capped at $2 for rides 45 minutes or less starting or ending outside Manhattan.. Find out more in our Help Center Furthermore, in no event will ROLL be liable for any indirect, special, implied, incidental, consequential or other damages, however caused, whether for breach of contract, negligence or otherwise, and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages occurring. Life is better on the bike View Our Rentals. Ride Electric (or) Rental Agent’s eBike (s) are rented out clean and in proper working condition and must be returned in the same manner. The hiring company SUPRAMONTE BIKE will keep the document and credit card until the bike is returned. Follow Us. If I, or anyone on my behalf, files a lawsuit or otherwise makes a claim against ROLL, I agree to indemnify ROLL and pay all damages, costs, fees, expenses and attorney’s fees incurred by ROLL in defending such a lawsuit or such claims. Renter Assumes Risk of Injury: Renter assumes all risks, including death or serious bodily injury, which may result from the operation of the Bicycle, weather, altitude, accidents, etc. Follow us on social media to receive special offers, news, events & more. The minimum charge is 4 hours. I agree to fully release and discharge GTBR for any damages, injuries or claims, including but not limited to myself or any other person or property, as a result of my use of the bicycle. You hereby irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of those courts for such purposes and you irrevocably waive any right to a trial by jury. ... Electric Bike Rental. I CONSENT TO THE USE OF ANY PHOTOGRAPHS, PICTURES, FILM, OR VIDEOTAPE TAKEN OF ME, or provided by me for publicity, promotion, television, websites, or any other use, and expressly waive any right of privacy, compensation, copyright, or other ownership right connected to same by participating in or attending any Activities in connection with Ebikescapes LLC. The first payment of Rent is due prior to the first rental period unless otherwise agreed upon in in writing by the parties. Despite knowing all associated risks, Renter freely assumes all risks of personal injury and/or damage in the operation of this Bicycle and Renter agrees to hold ROLL harmless from all claims of injury or damage. As with any outdoor activity that involves physical exertion and forward momentum, there’s an inherent risk to cycling. Rental fees will vary from city to city but the average price of renting an Ebike is around $10 in the United States. c. I am completely and adequately covered by appropriate personal insurance coverage which may include health, life, loss of property, loss of income, and liability I may cause or suffer while riding the Bicycle or else I understand I must solely bear the costs of such injury or damage and all related costs. A violation of this paragraph automatically terminates the rental and makes Renter liable to ROLL for any penalties, fines, forfeitures, liens, recovery and storage costs, and any related legal expenses associated with a violation of this paragraph. ROLL ebike | Durango, CO | 970.233.7904 |, Copyright © 2021 | All Rights Reserved | Site design by KateOGroup, LLC for Live Creative Studio. Renter authorizes ROLL to collect from a responsible third party any applicable loss and/or damage. Download (PDF, 222KB) WHEELS ​​I​​ understand​​ that ​​the​​ use ​​or​​ possession​​ of ​​drugs ​​or​​ alcohol ​​is strictly ​​prohibited​​ before ​​and ​​during ​​the ​​Activities ​​and​​ will​​ be​​ grounds ​​for ​​immediate​​ removal​​ from ​​the ​​Activities​​ without​​ reimbursement ​of​​ fees paid ​​or ​​owed.​​ I ​​agree ​​that​​ if​​ in​​ the ​​judgment​​ of​​ my ​​instructor​​ and/or​​ guide,​​ he/she​​ must ​​call​​ for​​ assistance ​​during​​ the ​​trip ​​due​​ to​​ my noncompliance ​​with ​​his/her ​​instructions ​​or Ebikescapes ​​​LLC​.ʼs ​​policies​​ that​​ I​ ​accept​​ responsibility ​​for ​​paying ​​any​​ associated​​ rescue​​ and transportation ​​costs.5. ROLL only accepts payment by credit card. It’s for this reason we offer a rental option. This information may be used for marketing purposes by Trek Bicycle, its subsidiaries, its affiliate Trek Travel LLC, and your local dealers. Renter understands that all charges are not final and are subject to audit of the returned bicycle. The rental services are available only to, and may only be used by, individuals who can form legally binding contracts under applicable law. Get to where you need to be while practicing appropriate social distancing. 4​.​​ I ​​AGREE​​ TO ​​ABIDE by​​ Ebikescapes ​​​LLC​.’s ​​policies ​​​and ​​agree ​​to ​​comply​​ with​​ all​​ instructions ​​of​​ the​​ guide,​​ instructor​​or ​​staff​​ in connection ​​with ​​participation ​​in​​ the​​ Activity,​​ and​​ failure ​​to​​ follow​​ such ​​directions ​​shall​​ be​​ grounds ​​for​​ termination​​ of​​ my​​ privilege ​​to ​​participate in​​ the​​ Activities​​ without​​ reimbursement​​ or​​ cancellation​​ of​​ fees ​​paid ​​or ​​owed. ​​My ​​participation​​ in ​​the ​​Activities ​​is ​​purely ​​voluntary, ​​no ​​one ​​is​​ forcing​​ me​​ to​​ participate,​​ and ​​I ​​elect ​​to ​​participate despite ​​the ​​risks. Rent. 5. 4. An exciting revenue generator and a great new add-on to your business! Your customers will enjoy the unique experience of riding a stable and exciting electric bike and the added power of the motor means that everyone in the group will be able to travel together no matter their fitness level. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. To rent a bike please fill in all the requested fields on our booking reservation form and rental agreement, to ensure we can deliver the quality of service you expect from us. The potential profits you will make off each electric bike will be determined by the amount per hour in rental fees. You agree to hire the bicycle and accessories speci˜ed above (together, “equipment”), to pay the cost of hire, and you accept the terms on this form. YOU ALSO GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION OR OTHER CLASS PROCEEDING. Release Of Liability, Waiver Of Claims And Indemnity Agreement: Understanding the risks described in this Agreement, to the fullest extent permitted by law, I, for myself, all of my family, including my spouse, minor children, and heirs and representatives, release and indemnify ROLL, its owners, shareholders, directors, officers, members, managers, employees, guides, volunteers, agents, subcontractors, and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on ROLL’s behalf from any and all claims (INCLUDING CLAIMS RELATING TO THE SERVICES OR NEGLIGENCE OF ROLL), demands for loss, damages, injuries, or any other causes of action relating in any way to my Bicycle rental, AND I AGREE THAT I, MY FAMILY AND MY HEIRS WILL NOT SUE ROLL OR OTHERWISE MAKE ANY CLAIM ON ACCOUNT OF ANY INJURY, LOSS OF LIFE, OR DAMAGE AND I INTEND THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY TO BE EFFECTIVE EVEN IF THE INJURY, LOSS OF LIFE, OR DAMAGE RESULTS FROM ROLL’S NEGLIGENCE. More About Electric Bike Lease With E Rider Here at E-Rider, our priority isn’t just supplying quality electric mopeds and electric motorbikes, it’s also about providing the best customer service possible. BICYCLE RENTAL ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER AND RELEASE AGREEMENT ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I understand and accept that renting this bicycle and participating in biking exposes me to many hazards and entails unavoidable risk of death, Accidents-Third Party Claims: ROLL is not responsible if Renter causes injury to another person or if Renter damages another Bicycle, vehicle or personal property of another. Renter will not use or permit the Bicycle to be used for an illegal purpose. This E-Bicycle Rental, Release Of Liability, Waiver Of Claims, Assumption Of Risks And Indemnity Agreement (“Agreement”) contains the Terms and Conditions for your electric bicycle rental. Statement Of Physical And Mental Fitness, Insurance, And Bike Safety: a. I understand that biking requires certain physical strength and entails known and unanticipated risks that could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, to property, or to third parties. If the matter cannot be resolved through mediation, then the matter shall be resolved through BINDING ARBITRATION. Rental contract 1) The use of the bicycle presupposes the physical fitness, the age of majority and the technical expertise of those who intend to take it. Scooters are in View Our Rentals. If your reservation is cancelled less than 24 hours before your reservation, the cancellation fee is half the price of the reservation. Trek does not sell, trade, or rent your personal data to third parties. I currently have no known physical, medical or mental condition which would impair my ability to ride a Bicycle, or else I understand I assume all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition. A Pedego store is like heaven when you’re shopping for an electric bike. Save money by riding your Optibike instead of driving your car. Supramonte Bike E-Bike Rental terms and conditions To rent a pedal assist bike, the customer is required to submit beforehand a driver’s licence or another valid Identity Document, and a valid credit card. In the event of theft, Renter shall be responsible for paying loss of use at the daily rate for each 24 hours Renter delays in paying the total loss. EBike Rentals Delivered to any Hotel, Office, or Home on Cape Ann. Renter agrees to pay all charges for miscellaneous service and all sales, use, rental and excise taxes including any applicable tax-related surcharges. Bike Rentals, Powered by Rolling Orange, Inc. I am aware that there are technicians available to answer any questions that I may have as to the proper use of the Bicycle. Please note: EBike Rentals Will Be Calibrated for a Speed of Not Greater than … Back to Long Term Rental Agreements. By participating in ROLL, except where prohibited, you agree to this mediation and arbitration agreement. Refund Policy. Lessee must have an active credit card on file with Lessor to lease the Bike. Renter acknowledges all the risks of operating a Bicycle on streets, roads, bike paths, bike lanes, and in traffic, including the risks of serious bodily injury or death from falling off the Bicycle, colliding with other Bicycles, motorcycles, motor vehicles or other objects, hitting potholes, or suffering sudden loss of control from flat tires due to unseen objects puncturing or damaging tires, or brakes failing, Bicycle malfunctions, and hazards relating to weather conditions. This ASSUMPTION OF RISKS, RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT. Electric Bike Rental Agreement. They put their hearts into helping you find the perfect electric bicycle, and making sure you get the most out of it. It’s an arithmetic that rental shops know all too well. Learn about the day-to-day activities of a bike rental business owner, the typical target market, growth potential, startup costs, legal considerations, and more! Bike Rental Agreement. You can now rent one of our electric bikes or mopeds on a … Property left on Bicycle: ROLL is not responsible for personal property left on the Bicycle. electric bike rental agreement, release of liability, waiver of claims, assumption of risks and indemnity agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “release agreement”) by signing this document you will waive or give up certain legal rights, including the right to sue or claim compensation following an CORPORATION] organized under the laws of [INSERT STATE/COUNTRY], with offices at [INSERT ADDRESS] (“Owner”), and [INSERT INDIVIDUAL NAME] and [INSERT INDIVIDUAL NAME OR DELETE IF ONLY ONE] (“Renter”). Renters must be at least 18 years old with a valid ID and read and accept the rental agreement prior to riding. By submitting this form, you consent to sending the above information to Trek Bicycle, which will be stored in the United States. Instruction will be provided in the use of the eBike (s) including the particularity of the electric assist technology, battery charging, etc. The experience is unmatched anywhere on Earth. This Agreement is between the bicycle renter (“Renter”) and ROLL, LLC (“ROLL”) and covers the rental of the electric bicycle and any related equipment and accessories such as tires, lights, rack, lock, helmet, safety gear, and related miscellaneous gear (“Bicycle”). By being in favour of a minor, I agree that I am their parent or legal guardian and that I release Ride Electric (or) Rental Agent from any claim, complaint or liability of that minor. In some European cities, the rental fees … You can almost ride an Optibike for Free! If the Bicycle is damaged, Renter agrees to pay the reasonable costs of repair and diminution in value. Credit Reserve and Payment by credit card only: Renter understands that Renter must pay in full an amount (to be used against the final bill) equal to the estimated total charge for the Bicycle rental at the rates indicated on the website and confirmed over the phone and via email. This deposit is applied to your invoice and the remaining balance is payable up to 14 days before your start date or your reservation is subject to cancellation. This Agreement is between the bicycle renter (“Renter”) and ROLL, LLC (“ROLL”) and covers the rental of the electric bicycle and any related equipment and accessories such as tires, lights, rack, lock, helmet, safety gear, and related miscellaneous gear (“Bicycle”). If your reservation is cancelled less than 48 hours before your reservation, the cancellation fee is $15 for half day (4 hours), $25 for full day, and 10% of the total fees for multi-day reservations. The prevailing party shall be entitled to recover attorney fees and costs. d. I acknowledge that I have been advised to wear an approved helmet and reflective or white clothing and a light if biking after sundown. Prohibited Use of the Bicycle: No trail use! In addition, no-shows and non-cancelled rentals will be charged for the reservation in full. Featuring free delivery, all devices are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to delivery. Renter agrees to indemnify ROLL in this regard. EBike Rental Options and Reservations. EXCEPTIONS/EXCLUSIONS. Renter also agrees to pay a reasonable fee for cleaning the Bicycle if the Bicycle is returned with excessive stains, dirt or debris attributable to Renter’s use. All of the benefits of ownership but without the upfront commitment and still delivered to your doorstep. Electric Bike Financing Affordable monthly payments. Your rights will be determined by a NEUTRAL ARBITRATOR, NOT A JUDGE OR JURY. © 2021 ebike escapes | Powered by Shopify. I am aware that electric biking is subject to all applicable municipal and provincial highway traffic regulations. How it works: Within 3-5 business days, 2.​​​ ACCEPTANCE ​​OF ​​RISK​​ AND​​ RESPONSIBILITY​:​​ I​​ fully​​ understand ​​that ​​(a) ​​cycling ​​and ​​electric​​ bicycle ​​riding, ​​and​​ related​​ Activities ​​involve risks​​ and​​ dangers ​​of​​ damage​​ to​​ personal ​​property​​ and ​​serious ​​bodily​​ injury,​​ including,​​ but​​ not​​ limited ​​to, ​​permanent ​​disability,​​ paralysis,​​ and death ​​to ​​myself ​​and ​​to ​​other​​ third ​​parties; ​​(b) ​​these​​ risks ​​and ​​dangers ​​may ​​be​​ caused​​ by​​ my​​ own​​ actions ​​or ​​inactions, ​​the​​ actions​​ or​​ inactions of​​ others​​ participating ​​in ​​the​​ Activities, ​​the ​​condition ​​in ​​which ​​the​​ Activities ​​take ​​place,​​ or​​ the​​ negligence​​ of ​​the ​​“Releasees”​​ named​​ below; ​​(c ) there​​ may ​​be ​​other ​​risks ​​and ​​social ​​and ​​economic​​ losses​​ either​​ known ​​or ​​unknown ​​to ​​me ​​or​​ not ​​readily ​​foreseeable ​​at ​​this ​​time; ​​and​​ I ​​agree, covenant ​​and​​ promise​​ to ​​accept​​ and​​ assume ​​all ​​responsibility ​​and​​ risk ​​for ​​injury,​​ death,​​ illness ​​or ​​disease,​​ or ​​damage ​​to​​ myself,​​ my ​​property, that​​ of ​​the​​m in or ​​named ​​above, ​​arising ​​from​​ my ​​participation ​​in ​​the​​ Activities. 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