the sepulcher of the Nigredo. A mortal blacksmith can make a sword using iron and a hammer and forge--a Solar craftsman can take a heap of hematite, and wring a sword out of it with their bare hands, and it'll be a masterfully made one, too. Dragon-Kings. “Well, you have to be our slaves and try to make everything, everywhere, die forever.”. Hekatonkhires are unique and very powerful beings. Eye and Seven Despairs: was a little bitch who was horribly abused by other Solars in life, currently using the Abyssal exaltations of those same Solars in a game of navel gazey torture revenge porn rather than doing his job(which he used to be rather good at). Inhuman and beautiful beings born from chaos, they feed on the dreams and aspirations of the inhabitants of Creation in order to give them strength and form in their own intermediate realm. Magical Rome/Persia/China regularly trains and sends ninja-monks out for you personally. Thanks to the terms of the Yozis' surrender, they can be summoned into Creation and ordered around. They interact with other little gods behind the scenes and generally ensure that things work properly. They told the Neverborn, tantalizing them with the idea of the power of the tools that destroyed them. They've gotten scattered mentions in the second-to-last book of second edition, have some sort of interest in body parts, and are tied to the lands of the dead. “This sucks,” said the Sidereals, whose job it is to make sure that the Loom of Fate, which is sort of the engine that runs Creation, doesn't crash. They realized that the only way to achieve their goal of true death was to destroy their fetters, all of Creation. She was uncharacteristically lame for a Solar, and underperformed in the War, about which she was angsting (that and her husband dying in the war). A player describes how their PC does an action. She dissapeared five yeast ago, about the same time that the long-dead solar exalted began to reappear. Lunars 2-Page Interactive Sheet; Exalted 3rd ED. Back on Creation the Apocalypse and Ragnarok are happening at the same time, the Exalted gather mighty armies to fight the forces of the Ebon Dragon in a mighty battle, and the Scarlet Empress dies of an incurable condition called a Daiklave to the chest. The Dragon Kings predate the inven- tion of supernatural martial arts styles. The lower souls of the Yozis are called Demons now. It depends on elements of the world rather than caster's power and can be used by literally everyone who has two brain cells, not requiring awakened essence. It also, appropriately, has a charm literally called "Shattering the Balance," and is generally seen as genuinely broken in a game where everything being fucking broken is a selling point. Ghosts have access to what they were buried/burned with (their grave goods) and are able to channel essence and learn ghost charms, called Arcanoi. He was not well regarded or well-treated by his peers and resented them greatly. There are ideas in here for dozens of campaigns. 09-05-2009: Corrections on automatic marking of health levels on elder exalted sheets for Abyssals, Dragon-Blooded, and Solars. Just if you're curious - The reason why they hand out bonus dice is two fold - Firstly, newly made characters tend to be a bit handicapped, being baller at the things they were made to do and pretty much not at the other stuff. Still hates Mask of Winters though, but has no idea why. This is easier said than done because, like their Abyssal cousins, literally every other faction in existence thinks this is a terrible idea. He's building a giant fuck-you Creation fleet of sci-fi ships out of ghosts. In all seriousness though, he's built a seemingly utopian island society based on ancestor worship and necromancy, but GASP he's really just built a dystopian soul farm that tricks its inhabitants into doing his bidding while harvesting 9/10ths of souls for smelting into soulsteel(because he's a Deathlord, therefore EVIL). He's actually SO powerful that his shadow is, in and of itself, a god. Now reduced to remnants and non-sentient beasts. Raptok could thrive on a diet of normal mortal food, although most preferred to eat at least some of their meat raw. The Artisans are the leaders while the workers work and supply the Warriors who are in a constant fight against the Darkbrood. “Aww, isn't that cute,” said the Primordials. But one should always remember what power the Exalted wield, telling a lion-man of the Full Moon to "yiff in hell" is almost always a horrible idea as he can rip you and thousands like you to pieces without even trying. Meanwhile Realm has a civil war, at least until the Scarlet Empress came back "I'm back and here to stay, mwahahahahahahahahahaha!" Currently running a rather large suicide cult based in Creation's equivalent of the Gobi Desert. They have nothing left but self-hatred, and the desire to see everything else wind up even more screwed than they were. The inhabitants of Creation before humanity and before the gods made war upon the Primordials. SMAs are best characterized when compared to CMAs. The Sidereals are the Chosen of the Maidens. Though iirc, Dragon Kings can remember as long as they hit old enough to get past base instincts so also just keeping them civil for a few years would do wonders. The Lunar Exalted are her Chosen, and she is Gaia's lover (but so is just about everyone else). They are on a quest to learn about their Humanity. Dragon Kings are sworn in allegiance to their creator, the Unconquered Sun, and can remember their past lives with great clarity. So the Unconquered Sun, who is the God of Awesome, came up with a plan. First Circle Demons are numerous and interchangeable, while Second and Third Circle Demons are unique. Also, it's organized in Circles of ascending power. They are assigned to Departments that manage Creation-wide phenomena, such as Dreams, Fate, Weather and Mammals. “This sucks,” said 90% of the living beings in the world, as they promptly died. Be brief. “Just about everyone in there's dead now. The basic mechanic is a modified Storyteller System. That didn't turn out so good. . And if that doesn't work, they keep giant color-coded gundams and suits of power armor as backups. A battle with a Sidereal can result in you turning into a mountain, your opponent turning into a river, and then the two of you doing battle with the concept of love as a blunt weapon. When the gods created the Exalted and warred against the Primordials, the Dragon Kings fought alongside gods and helped to slay the Primordials and their allies. The game describes Obsidian Shards of Infinity Style by saying "[the style] holds a mirror to Creation and breaks it" - and that putting it really mildly. The tragedy is that they're so obsessed with something they've already lost that they can't look past it. Given the bond beetween the various kinds of Exalted and the magical materials( Orichalcum, Moonsilver, Soulsteel, Jade, Starmetal and other that can be invented on the spot) , an evocation can be weaker, stronger or unavailable to a kind of Exalt. Anklok of the Dragon Kings) A roleplaying game site, focusing on Star Wars D6, but also featuring Warhammer FRP, Babylon 5 RPG, StarGate SG1 RPG and Farscape RPG. “What does that mean?” asked one, and then the other shoved her into the soul-extraction device. Your god has the world's biggest crack habit, and needs some serious rehab. Considering how utterly devastating these martial arts are, this is not necessarily a bad thing. “Gee, that's too bad. It should be noted that unless its an all-DB game, no player ever really wants to touch these. He's actually a pretty cool guy who has to make an effort to repress being compassionate, temperate, holding to his convictions, or being valorous. The Yozis feel nothing but anger for their betrayal and diminution at the hands of the Exalted and the Gods, and plot to return the favour. They have some sort of crazy internal alchemy and have a miniature version of the machine that keeps reality running inside each one, thanks to colonies of pattern spiders that live in their spines. You can become Armageddon, destroyer of all, Genesis, creator of worlds, or Über Gaia, mother/father/progenitor of everything. Said the Yozi known as the Ebon Dragon, as he dragged the Scarlet Empress off to Hell. “Hey,” said the Deathlords to the Fair Folk, who were into that sort of thing, who lived in the Wyld outside of Creation and didn't like the idea of a place that didn't just change according to their thoughts. And even if he does let you run the way you want, nobody likes the guy who won't stop whining about how hard it is to be misunderstood all the time. The Lunars had no choice but to move into the borderlands between the Wyld and Creation and try to plan their resistance in secret. Most Elemental beings are noticeably drawn from Earth mythology. You may bump into some fairies, but instead of granting wishes, they eat people's souls. When the Black Nadir Concordat intruded into their tomb-cities and stole the secrets of Necromancy, they were roused to wakefulness and incredibly angry. The Lunars said. “I hereby declare myself the Scarlet Empress and ruler of the world,” she said. Additionally, the potential to become an Über-primordial means that slipping the leash and gaining 'redemption' places you in the position of absolute power. Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears: On the surfaces she's a generic "Evil is Sexy" hedonist. Basically SMAs let you punch concepts, such as love, to achieve really weird and specific effects - but they're none the less absolute nightmares to fight against. Secondly a fair folk's emotions and virtues are entirely artificial, represented by their graces. From this follows that the production of new family is also very important to them, so if a Terrestrial isn't trying to kill you, he's probably trying to sleep with you. There are specific astrological condition required. In theory, at least. They are rather bitter and psychologically maladjusted from the Usurpation. Not even Unconquered Sun can use it. Currently running an "orphanage" populated by children she herself has orphaned, with the building's furniture being made out of the ghost's of the orphans' parents. Additionally, as long as a Liminal's brain is intact and they can access most of their original body's matter, they can recover from any injury. Naturally, that means that DMs are divided into armed, angry camps over the "right" way to play/run an Infernal campaign, and if he wants to use them one way, then let him use them that way. Orichalcum Alchemicals for Solars, Moonsilver for Lunars and so on. They were originally created by Autochthon when he found some of the Rakasha trapped in blocks of Jade. There are a few exceptions to these rules of success, however. Also may or may not have been brainwashed by his masters into being Tsundere for The Princess Magnificent. Every style tends to have a form weapon or two, a specific weapon that the style functions with - such as one-handed swords, spears, hook-swords and so on. They are divided into three castes, the Artisans, the Workers, and the Warriors. Now we'll erase all evidence of our existence and run the world from behind the scenes, while the Dragon-Blooded can do the dirty work!” said the Sidereals, thus proving themselves to be the only people in the setting with basic pattern recognition. They don't do much now except rubber stamp paperwork and maybe say hi to new Exalts every now and then, being utterly addicted to the Games of Divinity. Dickhead, dispassionate weeder, or eternally-loving-and-benevolent Cthulu, those monikers become meaningless when you can make your soul/imagination a REALITY IN OF ITSELF. Third edition is in development right now, and promises to be markedly different from both previous editions - by different we mean BETTER. Complete rules for the Dragon Kings, semi-Exalted humanoid dinosaurs from the ancient past. Another fun SMA is Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style, which is almost entirely made up of form charms, but lets the martial artist punch people in their essence for various fun effects, like catching and redirecting other people's charms, or punching your way into other people people's essence to temporarily posses their bodies. “We killed the Primordials and made all this cool stuff. Did we mention that you should be brief? Although the gods ascended to Yu-Shan, their former metropolis, Meru, lay in ruins. The Great Contagion, as previously mentioned? Those Primordials who survived the Primordial War were shoved inside the butt of their General/King, Malfeas (who was turned inside out and shoved into his own butt!). The Bodhisattva is legit terrified of her and chose his current location in part to be as far as possible from her. And so this unnamed Dragon-Blooded, through an act of supreme badassness/dickery, gained access to Creation's greatest magical weapons systems and used them to blow up the Fair Folk. Discount Exalted. It takes a lot of heat off the ST to make the dice rolling seem interesting because the characters are always trying (maybe not always succeeding) to be cool, so the ST doesn't have to come up with a million different ways to say 'you punch a guy and he falls down'. If they want to be remembered, they can use Resplendent Destinies, but then people remember the Destiny and not the person. So he called all the Sidereals together to try and assassinate her. Hell, the first time the Sun set was when he made the Solars, and that was just stamping his name on the things Autocthon already made! They're neutral with Soulsteel and dissonate with every other materials. Solars also excel at inspiring and persuading others. The war left Rathess as the oldest and most prominent city in Creation built by mortal hands. They generally fall into one of a few categories; Emo dicks, giggling psychotic mass murderers, devoid of all redeeming qualities, and CRAAAAAAAWLING IIIIIIIIIIIIIN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIIN. This page was last edited on 10 December 2020, at 15:40. Interestingly, this last part seems to be something that Third Edition seems to be running with. Back in Hell the Ebon Dragon marries the Scarlet Empress breaking him out of Hell. (In other words, they EAT PEOPLE'S SOULS.) Sidereals are also the only Exalts capable of manipulating the Loom of Fate directly, and are tasked with making sure it doesn't break down. Dragon King Force Forces of Dragon Kings. Abyssal Exalted don't suffer from the Great Curse, but instead suffer if they act too nice to people. Also, his battle form is covered in dicks, absolutely no explanation is given (might be a commentary on sex abuse in the clergy, but he's always been characterized as too crazy to really take an interest in procreation or understand human biology). It doesn't work and Chejop dies. He then said to the other Yozi "I've got a plan to get us out of here, any of you in?". Alchemicals are the only Exalted who require a soul that has demonstrated heroics worthy of Exaltation in many past lives. Stunts can pretty much be done on any action, and don't necessarily have to follow the laws of physics. Both suck for obvious reasons. Unless you're a Sidereal with the charm that lets you essentially put them into the Witness Protection Program for services rendered, tread lightly. It and use another earlier that there 's several of him, probably six or seven (,! Lost that they ca n't look past it something like that also kept a. 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