Cybersecurity has to do with understanding the fundamentals behind computing and I.T. MS in CS with a Specialization in Cyber Security Overview. From their collective opinion, a computer science degree is just as effective as a more "specialist" cyber security degree. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 19% growth rate for computer science jobs and a 28% growth rate for information security jobs through 2026. Where can you find undergraduate cybersecurity programs surrounding your area? Depending on where you live and how far you are willing to go, an accredited undergraduate degree may not be available in your area as many undergraduate cyber programs are just being developed…. Three significant factors differentiate a cybersecurity degree from a computer science degree. Security Analyst:  Detects and prevents cyber threats from an organization. Do you like to build programs through code, but think cybersecurity maybe the more “desirable” degree? Online cybersecurity programs will be similar to a bachelor’s or master’s degree curriculums depending on the length and type of online degree. Penetration Testers overall goal is to help an organization improve the security through legally hacking. Computer science encompasses everything that has to do with computers and computing. Second, due to rapidly evolving threats and the skills needed to identify them, the National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security frequently have a hand in shaping a program’s curriculum. At Norwich, for instance, students may select between a concentration in. Cybersecurity vs. Computer Science: Differences A computer science degree has a broader focus than a degree in cybersecurity, which provides a much more comprehensive examination of that field. Bachelor’s Degree:  A bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity is geared for students who are wanting a broad, more well-rounded education in cybersecurity. The 3 Main Ways To Decide Between Computer Science and Cybersecurity is: Check out the following three ways you can distingiush and ultimately choose the degree most suitable for you. Associates Degree:  An associates degree in cybersecurity is a developed two year program geared for students looking into directly learning about cybersecurity without general education requirements. Computer Science vs. Cyber Security. MS in Data Science (Cybersecurity) Programs: ... An information security analyst plans and executes computer and software security measures to protect the computer systems and networks of a company or organization. To put it simply, cybersecurity is about prevention, while computer forensics is about response. Computer Science: 43 credits 2. Simply put it, a computer science degree is a computer science degree, whereas cybersecurity undergraduate programs vary in type, length, and general concepts being covered. Professionals considering an advanced cybersecurity or computer science degree often weigh other common questions: What career options are available for computer science and cybersecurity? 120 credits 1. Software Developer:  Responsible for creating software programs used for specific tasks starting from initial development stages to maintaining the software. Software Developers are fluent in computer programming languages used to write and develop the code. Especially for an undergraduate degree in cybersecurity, degree maps will vary in courses and overall “focus.”. As outlined in this article, computer science is the more “scaleable” and more widely “accepted” of the two degrees. Online degrees directly start a student into learning about the fundamentals behind cybersecurity. Among these hands-on skills, students gain the ability to evaluate a computer network; learn ethical hacking techniques; have the knowledge to develop a company-wide IT policy; and are prepared to continuously monitor and troubleshoot network vulnerabilities based on the latest trends and threats. The responsibilities of this professional continue to expand as the number and complexity of cyberattacks accelerate. Penetration Tester:  Looks for exploits in web-based applications, systems, and networks. My experience in the industry as a consultant provides me with a wealth of information on Cyber Security and how it is applied across all sectors and their individual demands. Computer Hardware Engineer:  Design, develop, and test physical computer components like circuit boards. Regardless of the degree program, the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that careers in computers and information technology are expected to grow 12% from 2018 through 2028. Free Electives: 2-8 credits Based on a, This degree usually begins with a series of math and science core requirements, going over linear algebra, probability, statistics, discrete mathematics, differential calculus, and advanced physics. What’s the difference between a cybersecurity degree and a computer science degree? Cyber security is part of the field of computer science, but so are video game development, tech analysis, network administration, and industrial research. Students should evaluate their program choice based on career goals and ideal college experience. Listed below are some of the most popular jobs graduate students will be taking on with a major in computer science or cybersecurity degrees. Comp sci is more technical but is less specific to the field of cyber security while cyber security degrees are more specific but may lack important computer science theory and fundamentals. (Business Class):  If a cybersecurity program resides in the business school, the curriculum may have a student take business-specific classes like accounting, economics, and introduction to business before getting into cybersecurity specific course work. I was wondering the same exact question when first applying to local universities around my area…. Hands-on instruction, however, isn’t strictly for on-campus programs. Designed to accommodate students’ varied work schedules and lifestyles, our programs are delivered through a virtual and highly interactive learning platform that connects Norwich’s exceptional faculty and curricula to students across the country and around the world. To simplify things, cybersecurity professionals, regardless of specialization, spend more time: Even within this relatively straightforward description, certain cybersecurity jobs lean more toward programming skills and software development, while others cross over into project management, analytical, and legal roles. identifying why and how a network was breached. Certain I.T. To remain on top of recent developments, computer science professionals never truly stop their education, absorbing new topics through MOOCs, studying for specialized certifications, or taking advantage of employer-sponsored education programs to expand their skill set. For years, businesses assumed antivirus software and avoiding social engineering tactics would protect them against threats—until breaches at, As a result, businesses of all sizes have been on the lookout for cybersecurity professionals to identify vulnerabilities, secure the network, and protect valuable data against third-party intrusions. It comprises database software made available to the general public via the Internet. The coursework’s nature often provides a solid, reliable introduction to IT concepts and expectations, and should students decide the major is not for them, the core and programming courses carry over to other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs. Database Administrator:  Evaluate, analyze, and organize data in a way that is readable and usable for the needs of users. Database Administration:  Working knowledge of how databases work, what they are used for, building a database, and how to secure databases in the best possible way. Posted by 2 years ago. For Norwich’s online bachelor’s in cybersecurity, Regardless of the degree program, the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that, The outlook for students with a cybersecurity or computer science degree appears positive. It’s a rapidly rising field with several job offers. For over two decades, the path into the field of cybersecurity involved earning a bachelor’s degree in computer science, At the same time, the programs reflect shifting business needs. After looking into the type of coursework involved in each curriculum, the next step is fast forward a few years into the future when you have a corporate job. I'm working in Cyber Security, Have some experience in IT, and got my degree in computer science (because there weren't any specialized options at my university). Think about the following points when deciding between the specialized cybersecurity program and the more traditional computer science degree. Online cybersecurity degrees incorporate real-world scenarios into the curriculum and require virtual lab exercises. Because cybersecurity offered a career-enhancing credential for many computer science and IT professionals until fairly recently, the programs—from certificates and associate degrees through a master’s—retain this perspective from multiple angles. For small to medium-sized businesses, these incidents illustrated how essential protecting company, customer, and client information is. Is cybersecurity part of computer science? How Do You Choose Which Degree Is Right for You? First, the math- and science-heavy core course load is dwarfed drastically. However, demand for cybersecurity professionals is predicted to outpace most other IT occupations threefold, based on a recent study from Burning Glass Technologies. Cybersecurity is a major targeted to prepare students for online security, risk compliance, security awareness, considering the ethical choices, and risk assessment for a certain industry. With computer science, you’ll receive all … 55. There are a number of readily-available, flexible and affordable choices for earning an Online Degree in Data Science as well. Although they are often used interchangeably, there is a difference between the terms cybersecurity and information security. First, the math- and science-heavy core course load is dwarfed drastically. Note:  Keep in mind all degree maps and curriculum’s are not designed the same exact way. Both computer science and cyber security degrees will get you a job in cyber security. Are you someone who likes to develop and maintain programs or an individual who likes to break into and assess the security of developed programs? Topics may be influenced by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society and CSAB, Inc. (formerly the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board, Inc.). Master’s Degree:  Master’s degrees are advanced programs designated to educating about not only cybersecurity fundmentals, but also, more advanced concepts such as cryptography, security code development, and advanced networking concepts. Because of its widely applicable curriculum, schools frequently gear computer science programs toward high school students looking to earn a bachelor’s degree. For example, Norwich’s online bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity provides real operating systems in a virtualized web-based environment. This is because they both have roughly the same CS foundation and the few extra security-oriented classes won't make a huge difference after 1-2 years of industry experience. This specialized coursework may offer more insight into cloud computing, legal and compliance issues, or forensics, providing a stronger understanding of current criminal tactics and the tools to analyze evidence. You can fulfill many different types of roles including:  cyber analyst, I.T. Cybersecurity vs. Computer Science: Differences. One has to do with protecting data from cyberspace while the other deals with protecting data in […] Computer science has been an area of study for a long time and creates professionals who go into a wide range of careers. Computer Programmer:  Similar to software developers, a computer programmer writes code which enables the software written by the software developer. Databases and Operating Systems:  How databases work, what they are used for, connecting and utilizing databases, and have a working understanding behind how operating systems work and how they are used. The second idea to consider when choosing between a computer science or cybersecurity degree is exploring the curriculum’s. $104,210. For convenience, such programs may be structured in online or hybrid formats. Second, due to rapidly evolving threats and the skills needed to identify them, the National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Secur… Get a working knowledge behind what tools, methods, and devices are used to build a successful “cybersecurity” program. This profession combines mathematics, statistics, and computer science to create algorithms and various security systems to encrypt and encode data. Here’s a brief breakdown between a cybersecurity vs. computer science curriculum. Computer science degrees, by contrast, cast a wider and more expansive net. 2+ years of security … Norwich University 158 Harmon Drive Northfield, Vermont 05663. Close. Opportunities for software developers are expected to increase 21%, and for information security analysts, companies will have 32% more openings. Online Degree:  An online degree is wired for students who are wanting to advance their educational background. Cyber security professionals are needed in all industries. Students who want to jump into a programming- and security-focused curriculum may find a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity to be a more beneficial track. As a third factor, schools often craft cybersecurity curricula with a clear career path in mind, thus shaping it around more hands-on instruction and distinct job responsibilities. Cybersecurity is not necessarily an entry-level field, and some say that getting a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity is putting the cart before the horse – it’s better to gain general IT and/or computer science knowledge and experience before specializing in cybersecurity. Hopefully the above three strategies can give you clarity in what kind of degree and line of work you want to pursue regarding a technical career. Web Developer:  Create information-based resources by creating websites. Cyber security degree vs computer science degree for a penetration testing career. In addition, provides the potential career paths in cybersecurity and offers several free guides on how to maintain security, choose a college, and the types of I.T. Simply put, computer security means dealing with the security of a standalone computer’s software and hardware. Security Analysts analyze and escalate suspicious network activities. certifications to go for. Compared to undergraduate cybersecurity programs, computer science degrees are commonly accepted. Cybersecurity is a subset of computer science, and in today’s computer-reliant world, it has its own field of study and degree programs. Traditionally, however, computer science programs have focused on the “how” angle of software and hardware, and thus gear the curriculum toward careers in software development, engineering, and analysis. security as an interesting industry to pursue further down in your career, making the transition can be easier because of I.T. security certifications will substitute and are often more valued over an undergraduate degree in cybersecurity. Vulnerability Assessors search for critical flaws and look for ways to improve the overall security of an organization. An education in cybersecurity can also provide excellent job opportunities. security and risk. Then, during the second year, the program shifts toward more advanced coursework, covering programming languages, algorithms, data structures, logic and computation, machine learning, information theory, hardware topics, and computer architecture. Unless you are planning to make a career change in cybersecurity (holding an accredited bachelor’s degree), then a master’s in cybersecurity would not be worth the financial investment. The foundation developed by most computer science degrees is versatile and relatively adaptable, opening the doors to a range of software-, hardware-, and technology-based careers. Although a college degree is important and will help you achieve the type of career suiting your personal interests, keep in mind career changes are always possible, especially with a transition from computer science to cybersecurity. Computer Systems Analysts fulfill similar roles to a business systems analyst, but instead assess the computing systems of a business. As a result, schools may position an associate, bachelor’s, or master’s in cybersecurity as a back to school–type program, in which working computer science or IT professionals can transfer some undergraduate credits, take several network and information security courses on a part-time basis, and earn a career-specific degree in two or three years. The best possible scenario for an individual considering an associates degree in cybersecurity would be one who has already completed all general educations from a community college, someone who wants a direct path and plans to get advanced I.T. If you discover I.T. With more cybersecurity undergraduate programs being pushed to the market every year, the idea of “cybersecurity” undergraduate programs have been able to gain new recognition. In line with growing litigation and industry standards, cybersecurity programs may further delve into the legal side of IT, touching on developing network security policies, data ethics, and legal and industry compliance concerns. It’s a risk no entity can afford to take. security certifications. Computer science prepares students for dealing with application, software, and computer development. For Norwich’s online bachelor’s in cybersecurity, learn more about the program’s convenient yet comprehensive structure. Minor in Criminology: 15 credits 5. As a result, schools may position an associate, bachelor’s, or master’s in cybersecurity as a back to school–type program, in which working computer science or IT professionals can transfer some undergraduate credits, take several network and information security courses on a part-time basis, and earn a career-specific degree in two or three years. Overall:  Cybersecurity is a more “specific” degree, making for different types of college programs (some more technical, other more business focused). As a result, computer science and cybersecurity programs overlap to some degree, but the latter branches out into data analysis, identifying cyber threats, network security, cryptography, information security, network and systems administration, information assurance, and forensics. Vulnerability Assessor:  Scans applications and identifies systems which have vulnerabilities. to an organizations I.T. The degree paths will vary in courses being offered and curriculum’s, but usually covers the fundamentals in cybersecurity. Simply put it, a computer science degree is a computer science degree, whereas cybersecurity undergraduate programs vary in type, length, and general concepts being covered. Those interested in cybersecurity usually earn a bachelor’s in computer science. Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, Cyber Engineering, or equivalent . Cybersecurity degree-holders may also embark on careers as cryptographers. Check out this Video we created to help students like you in the process of learning. Considering these outcomes, the question is no longer “Which is better for my career?” but “What can I see myself doing?”. A security analyst often works in a Security Operations Center (SOC) under the authority of an incident responder. Cybersecurity Curriculum’s are broken down into the following: Cybersecurity Fundamentals:  Understanding how cybersecurity is established and maintained. Computer Systems Analyst:  Assess the computer systems of an organization and recommend changes to the hardware and software. Which Factors Define the Best Cybersecurity Schools? Archived. Although the government generates a high level of demand, education, nonprofits, manufacturing, finance, research, healthcare, retail, and any industry where customer or client information needs to be kept secure require knowledgeable, certified cybersecurity professionals. The course is extensive in course material, requires no previous technical backgrounds, and is inexpensive for students. certifications upon completion of the program. Computer Hardware Engineers must be engaged learners who create hardware which accommodates the latest applications. development. This degree usually begins with a series of math and science core requirements, going over linear algebra, probability, statistics, discrete mathematics, differential calculus, and advanced physics. Gain a broad perspective in network security. With at least a bachelor’s in computer science, students may find themselves working as a: For whichever path aligns with your career goals and schedule, Norwich University accommodates a range of students with our online cybersecurity bachelor’s degree program and our upcoming online computer science bachelor’s degree program. So, information security predates digital computers, but computer security and cybersecurity were born from computer science innovations that started just after World War II. In a nutshell, a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity streamlines the coursework toward security-specific occupations, and shortens the often winding route through extra undergraduate math courses and massive open online courses (MOOCs) many computer science professionals take to get into the field and stay ahead. Implementing math in computer science specific majors. Potential scenarios for students considering a bachelor’s in cybersecurity would be one who has just completed high school, does not hold a college degree, or wants a four-year, accredited and updated college degree. For students interested in this field, Norwich is launching a new online bachelor’s degree program in computer science September 2020. Information Security Industry certification desired from recognized authority such as ISC2, GIAC, and/or ISACA. Algorithm development is an important part of an overall computer science curriculum. Today's digital environments are highly complex. Depending on past educational qualifications, an undergraduate cybersecurity degree may not be the best suitable option for you. Yes. Are you wondering why you should get a computer science degree that specializes in cyber security? How to Finance the Cost of a Cybersecurity Degree, The biggest threats to cybersecurity today and how cybersecurity specialists can help. Rather, investing in I.T. Networking Fundamentals:  Understand how networks work, are built, and what to look for in networks as a cybersecurity professional. Second, due to rapidly evolving threats and the skills needed to identify them, the, Yet, as with computer science programs, students working toward a bachelor’s or master’s degree in cybersecurity may have the option to select a concentration. Examples of recognized certifications include CISA, CRISC, CISSP, CISA, GSLC, GSNA. Recommended Resource: is the best resource to utilize when trying to discover universities offering associates, bachelor’s, master’s, and online degrees. Web Developers build the technical structure of a website and optimize the number of page views and visitors. functions. Before you consider an undergraduate degree in cybersecurity, ensure the universities you are considering have an established cyber program. Those seeking a more well-rounded, math- and science-based curriculum may be advised to work toward a computer science degree, with a minor or concentration in cybersecurity. Yet, a skills deficit exists, creating a high number of unfilled cybersecurity jobs. Security Software Developer:  Probed to develop, scan, and harden a system’s code through the use of secure software development practices. If you're gonna get into cyber, I think compsci is still a good degree to go after. Security Auditors assess an organization’s assets, functions, and frameworks to generate a report regarding the effectiveness, compliance, and overall security of a system. Going to college is a big investment. In comparing Machine Learning, Cyber Security, and Data Science, we find that Data Science leads to the highest average earnings of the three. The Cybersecurity concentration is a concentration available within the Master of Computer Science degree program. Database Administrators develop, improve, and store data resources. Although keeping up with the latest coding languages, software, and hardware is par for the course as a computer science professional, proliferating online threats have created a second, nearly parallel pathway: the cybersecurity degree. Whereas a computer science degree is considered universally accepted and scalable in applying for jobs representing many types of roles in I.T. The outlook for students with a cybersecurity or computer science degree appears positive. They both have to do with security and protecting computer systems from information breaches and threats, but they’re also very different. A web developer can be a front-end, backend, or full-stack web developer. They are also an integral part of our daily lives. Gain a competitive advantage in the lucrative and exciting field of cybersecurity with a Master of Computer Science Cybersecurity degree. Liberal Studies: 48 credits 3. Yet, as with computer science programs, students working toward a bachelor’s or master’s degree in cybersecurity may have the option to select a concentration. You'll pick up the math. Computer Security vs. Cyber Security. Norwich University Online offers several master’s degrees and bachelor’s degree completion programs as well as certificate and enrichment programs. Beyond the knowledge, cybersecurity programs are geared toward helping professionals gain CompTIA, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), and Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certifications. Cyber Security vs. Information Security. Based on a recent study by Cybersecurity Ventures, demand for cybersecurity professionals is predicted to grow 350% by 2021, resulting in 3.5 million openings across the globe. Just like computer science evolved from the mathematics department, cybersecurity is evolving beyond the computer science curriculum. In addition, consider reading why it is you would want to pursue computer science over cybersecurity as a degree if you have absolutely no idea. Math for Computer Science:  Involving linear algebra, calculus, analytic geometry, and statistics. While there continues to be a lively online debate about whether cyber security and information security mean the same thing, it makes sense to look at cyber security as a form of information security.Think of information security as an umbrella, with cyber security and other security topics like cryptography and mobile computing underneath it. What is a degree in cybersecurity? First, the math- and science-heavy core course load is dwarfed drastically. Summary of Cyber Security vs. Computer Science In a nutshell, Cyber Security is one of the many aspects of a much broader field that is Computer Science, but so are a dozen of other things such as software development, network security, artificial intelligence, and database management. The Master of Science specialization in cyber security is a graduate program within the Computer Science department, in which students are trained to work in this increasingly important field, which encompasses cryptographic methods, data and information security, fault-tolerant computing, network security, privacy and … The growth highlighted above isn’t limited … security certifications would be the next best choice. To learn more about computer science degrees, read this article. Read the following brief breakdowns of each type of degree regarding cybersecurity and the best scenario possible for each one. Three significant factors differentiate a cybersecurity degree from a computer science degree. Computer Science:  Knowledge in working with programming, understanding how computer systems are built, and how to maintain security in the software development life cycle. With self-discovery through the use of introducing yourself to both types of degrees and types of jobs in each path, you will be able to cultivate an interest in one. Security Software Developers (often nicknamed “DevOps”) have the ability to both develop a program while implementing the best possible security solutions for a system. For over two decades, the path into the field of cybersecurity involved earning a bachelor’s degree in computer science and then acquiring more specialized skills on the job or through certifications. To learn more about our degrees, browse our program pages or  request additional information today. If you know that you want to specialise in cyber security then why don't you study that as an undergraduate. Cloud computing refers to the field of computer science where specialists handle the data on the cloud.